Energy Efficiency Toolkit
Get your free Energy Saving Toolkit packed with products to upgrade your home and slash energy costs. Enjoy energy efficient light bulbs, water-saving aerators, and more—valued up to $70—and trim your monthly bills. Thanks to our partnership with Rising Sun Center for Opportunity, BayREN offers free, personalized equipment through the Green House Calls program, making energy efficiency easy for homeowners and renters.
Sign up for a Toolkit
Follow three simple steps to sign up for your toolkit, today!
- Complete a short online survey to determine eligibility to receive in person or remote services (Alternatively, you can call Rising Sun at 510 - 665 - 1501 ext. 300)
- Receive and install your brand new efficiency equipment.
- Receive guidance from youth energy specialists on additional tips, resources, and rebates to help you save.
*Eligibility for in-person or remote services is dependent upon the time of year, and your location of residence. Additionally, eligibility for our services is on a “while supplies last” basis and only for addresses that have not received Rising Sun’s services within the last 5 years. Rising Sun is glad to help you determine your eligibility.
Available Items in Your Toolkit

Faucet aerators can save as much as half your water usage, while lowering your bill. Receive up to 1.

Prevent energy use when your devices are idle, cutting your energy waste.

Save an average of 6,000 gallons of water each year from your kitchen sink alone. Receive up to 1.

Up to 7 globe light bulbs, 2 flood light bulbs, and 1 smart globe. More energy efficient and last thousands of hours.

An average family could save a potential 2,700 gallons per year from changing their showerhead. Receive up to 1.

Insulating foam outlet gaskets help block airlflow from behind the cover and keep cold drafts from entering your home. Receive up to 2.

Receive an LED nightlight as a bonus gift!

We’ve got more energy saving products that include rebates and savings for homeowners.
Empowering Bay Area Youth
When you receive a Green House Call, you not only receive a complimentary home assessment and toolkit, but you also support local youth. Trained as Energy Specialists by Rising Sun, these youth have conducted over 55,000 Green House Calls and empowered more than 2,000 participants across 9 Bay Area Counties and San Joaquin County through 2021.