Installing a new water heater.

Heat Pump Water Heater (HPWH) Incentive for Participating Contractors

BayREN invites you to partner with us to help install more heat pump water heaters in Bay Area households. 

HPWHs are more than three times as efficient compared to standard fossil fuel models. They reduce air pollution and dangerous carbon emissions that contribute to climate change while also improving indoor air quality. Plus they offer homeowners potential savings on monthly utility bills. 

What You Get When You Partner With BayREN

BayREN is currently offering an incentive of $1,000 — paid directly to you as a participating contractor — for each HPWH upgrade you install. See the full list of HPWH incentive programs: 

HPWH Incentive Programs


You must be a licensed contractor holding a C-36, C-20 or General B license. 

The homeowner must be a current customer of one of these participating electricity suppliers:

  • CleanPowerSF
  • Silicon Valley Power (City of Santa Clara)
  • Ava Community Energy - Eligible for sales made on or after July 23, 2024.
  • MCE - Eligible for sales made on or before December 15, 2023.

The heat pump water heater must:

  • Replace an existing natural gas or propane water heater
  • Have a Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) of 3.1 or greater
  • Have grid-connected capabilities
  • Be listed on the program’s Qualified Products List
How to Enroll
  1. Interested in our programs? Visit this webpage to enroll in the HPWH Contractor Incentive Program along with the Statewide TECH Clean California Program. Applications for these two programs are submitted on the same claim form, meaning the enrollments are tied together. On the bottom of the enrollment form, select the checkbox to enroll in the HPWH Contractor Incentive Program.
  2. Already enrolled in TECH and also interested in the HPWH Contractor Incentive Program? Use the same enrollment form to update your enrollment. Simply select "I'm already enrolled - Thank you!" in the TECH section, then on the bottom of the enrollment form, select the checkbox to enroll in the HPWH Contractor Incentive Program.
Funding Partners

We are proud to bring this program to you with the support of our funding partners, including:

Logos of Clean Power SF, Silicon Valley Power, Ava, and Marin Clean Energy.

Why Add HPWH to Your Services?

Let homeowners know it can be easier and more economical to install an HPHW now, while considering their energy-upgrade projects. Plus:

  • Give them the option of sizing solar to accommodate increased electrical loads like a HPWH, or complete additional electric work for EVs at the same time.
  • Help your customers plan ahead - Planning ahead for a future HPWH installation makes sense to reduce delays when their gas water heater fails.
  • Get a $1,000 Incentive - Remind your clients that they can reduce future costs by installing now. And you get a $1,000 rebate when they do.